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Gocool Persaud

Ontario Teacher Certified. Science, both Intermediate and Senior. Chemistry ~ Grades 11 & 12 and First Year University.
Mathematics ~ Grades 6 to 10. Tutoring according to Ontario curriculum

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations

Ontario: Markham, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Vaughan

Contact Information
Phone: 4167816411

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Depends on how much travelling time

Type Fee
Individual  $30 - $40
Group  $20
E-mail  $20 - $30

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
With over 10 years chemistry tutoring experience in Grades 11, 12 and First Year University, I am available to tutor students in science from general to specific.
Having gained my M.Sc. from Acadia University and Ph.D. in chemistry from University of Alberta, I have acquired a large amount a knowledge in the scientific field and can relate the topic to real life situations.
If you seek aid in understanding scientific concepts and tackling challenging scenarios, I will create specialized lesson plans to assist in a better understanding in difficult content.
Emphasis on understanding the concepts and calculation.
Pre-lab assistance, lab reports. Emphasis on getting over 90% mark.

High school: Chemistry, Math

Chemistry, Science, Math Tutor

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