Over 20 years experience tutoring in Math, Statistics, Physics and Calculus with proven results.
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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia:
Burnaby, North Vancouver, Vancouver |
Contact Information
Phone: (604)-603-9612
E-mail: 101.resulttutoring@gmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Individual price is base on one student per hour. Group price is based on a group of 3 students ($30/ Hr per student)
Type |
Fee |
- $60 |
- $35 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Over my 20 years experience as a teacher and Tutor, I have developed a unique teaching style that emphasizes on the students’ individual needs and skill levels. I have helped students build academic self confidence, improve their grades, and learn effective study skills. I have excellent credentials, communication skills and experience. Sessions with me will help you make sense of even the most complicated problems, enhancing your academic abilities and grades. The areas of my profession are in Math, Physics, Calculus, Statistics and other courses related to Math. My experience is on both school and university.
High school:
Math, Physics |
College and University:
Math, Statistics |