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Ping Li

Grade 1 to 12 Math (all subjects)
Grade 11 and 12 Physics and Chemistry
AP and 1st year university Calculus
SAT Math and Physics subject tests preparation

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
Meet at your place or a library

Ontario: Markham, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Vaughan

Contact Information
Send email to the tutor

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $40
Group  $35

Lesson Languages
English, Mandarin / Cantonese

Tutoring Services and Experience
List of qualifications:
- A participating scientist in the Phoenix Mars mission (2008) with NASA
- BSc in Math from Leeds University, UK
- MSc in Math from University of Toronto, Canada
- PhD in Earth and Space Science from York University, Canada
- Years experience in Math, Physics and Chemistry tutoring
- Years experience in teaching 1st year university Calculus
- Author of books for high school Math tests
- Experience in enriching top students in class as well as helping students that need more attention
- Schools/universities from where I have students before include:
* Markville Secondary School
* Earl Haig Secondary School
* St. Robert Catholic High School
* Bayview Secondary School
* Unionville High School
* Bur Oak Secondary School
* Thornhill Secondary School
* A. Y. Jackson Secondary School
* The University of Toronto
* The University of Guelph

I cannot guarantee my students can get good marks, but I can promise that I will not stop until my students understand what they are learning.

Meet at your place or in a library.

Elementary school: Math
High school: Chemistry, Math, Physics
College and University: Math
Test Preparation: SAT

Math, Physics, Calculus, Chemistry, SAT

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