I provide very productive lessons in Math, Chemistry and Physics, which are hard to find.
Remember: money spent for your kids' education is the best investment ever made.
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Tutoring Locations
ONLINE TUTORING - Canada, USA and any other English-speaking country/people.
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Math: Full high school range including advanced functions, calculus and vectors.
Physics: Full high school range.
Chemistry: Full high school range.
* Head start for textbook-chapters ahead (optional - if desired).
* Graphical Method of Problem Solving (introduced with every subject, removes "the writer's block").
* Methodology of learning and problem solving.
* Introduction to methodology of studying at university.
* Self-confidence building methods.
My professional profile is available on LINKED-IN: Ted Rygas, Ph.D.
References are available.
High school:
Chemistry, Math, Physics |
Advanced Functions, Calculus, Vectors, Chemical Concepts, Physical Concepts