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Master's in Mechanical Engineering. Tutor anything related to Engineering, Math, Physics, Programming at High School school level. University level depends on subject and year.

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Tutoring Locations
Toronto, Richmond Hill and Markham

Ontario: Markham, Richmond Hill, Toronto

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Depending on subject, level and location. Online correspondence included.

Type Fee
Individual  $40
Group  $50

Lesson Languages
English, Mandarin / Cantonese

Tutoring Services and Experience
U of T, M.A.Sc. (Mech Eng)
U of T, B.A.Sc. (Mech Eng)

Was a Teaching Assistance for the following university level courses:
- C programming (Procedural, not OOP)
- Calculus
- Mechatronics

Will tutor Math, Science (Physics) and Programming for High-School level. Will also tutor at the university level depending on subject and year.

Tutored Gr 11, 12 Physics and Math.

High school: Computers and IT, Math, Physics
College and University: Computer Science and IT, Engineering, Math, Physics, Robotics

Engineering, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Math, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Science, C/C++, Java, PHP, Computer Skills

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