I have a strong mathematical background and excellent communication skills. I am resourceful, sociable and passionate about teaching. My philosophy is to place myself in the position of the students to understand how they learn and create curiosity and interest through our interactions.
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Tutoring Locations
Also provide online and email lessons
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $45 |
- $40 |
- $30 |
- $30 |
Lesson Languages
English, Hindi
Tutoring Services and Experience
I tutor students from high school to graduate level in various subjects including Math, General Science, Statistics, Physics and Computer Science, and have helped students prepare for their SATs.
Coming from a theoretical CS discipline, I have a strong mathematical background. During my graduate studies, I taught a mathematics course given to students who needed additional academic assistance before starting their first year at the university. I revised and taught the topics to orient and prepare them for their first calculus class. I was also employed as a teaching assistant for sophomore and junior level computer science courses. I recently taught two CEGEP courses at John Abbott College in Montreal.
Having been a student with very good academic standing, as well as being resourceful, sociable and known for enjoying to teach, I have been approached regularly by my friends and colleagues, not to mention family, for help in understanding basic as well as advanced concepts.
Elementary school:
Communication Skills, English, Math, Reading, Science |
Middle school:
Computers and IT, English, Math, Physics, Technology |
High school:
Computers and IT, Math, Physics, Technology |
College and University:
Computer Science and IT, Physics, Statistics |
Test Preparation:
Computers and IT:
Databases, Networking, Windows |
Foreign Languages:
English |
Math, Physics, Probability, Statistics, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Discrete Math, Data Structures, Algorithms, Automata Theory, Calculus, Trig, Algebra, Diff Equations, Geometry, SAT, Gen Science