I can provide help with Grades 9 and 10 science and math, Grade 11 Functions/Chemistry/Physics, Grade 12 Advanced Functions/Calculus and Vectors/Physics/Chemistry.
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Tutoring Locations
At my house
Contact Information
Phone: 905-956-0834
Phone: 647-470-6815
E-mail: m_cric94@hotmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
$20 per hour
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I'm a first year University of Toronto engineering student looking to help current high school students in Mississauga out with chemistry, math, or physics. I've had exposure to some pretty challenging first year material and have some tips that I can pass onto current high school students.
High school:
Chemistry, Math, Physics |
Calculus and Vectors, Advanced Functions, Functions, Science, Math, Physics, Chemistry