Hi, I offer weekly tutoring for students in grades 7 through 9 for math, biology, and chemistry, as well as elementary school students for math and science. My schedule is very flexible, and I am able to meet the student at any location within reasonable distance (Calgary NW).
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Within Calgary NW
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Tutoring Services and Experience
Hi, my name is Annie. I graduated from Sir Winston Churchill high school as an IB Math, Chemistry, Biology, and History alumni, and am currently moving into my second year at the University of Toronto, completing a specialist in Neuroscience and a major in Immunology.
I offer weekly tutoring for students in grades 7 through 9 for any math, biology, and chemistry courses, as well as elementary school students with math and science. My schedule is very flexible, and I am able to meet the student at any location within reasonable distance (Calgary NW).
I charge $30 per hour, and the number of hours per week or per lesson is determined, as needed, by the student. My availability includes weekends, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at any time, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday after 7 PM. There are no charges for rescheduling classes with a minimum of two hours' notice.
Please feel free to email me at annie.pu@hotmail.ca or text me at (647) 293-5988 if you have any questions.
Elementary school:
Math, Science |
Middle school:
Biology, Chemistry, Math |
junior high, elementary, tutoring, IB, calgary, nw, science, math, biology, chemistry,