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Norman Yeung

Experienced Tutor, with over 60 students, guaranteed 100%pass rate

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
Quebec: Montreal, Sherbrooke

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $30
Online  $20
E-mail  $20

Lesson Languages
English, Mandarin / Cantonese

Tutoring Services and Experience
Experienced Private Tutor
- 5 years of experience
- Number of students over 60
- Guaranteed 100% pass rate (statistics from past result)
- Familiar with the syllabus of IGCSE, A level, O level, IB
- Intensive training with past papers and tailor-made notes
- Simultaneous teaching aimming at comprehensive understanding
- Offer mathematics(maths, further pure, add math, SL, HL), Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics lessons

Academic Background
- Studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Exchange student at McGill University
- 6A in HKCEE(difficulty equivalent to A level or above),
inc. Maths, Add Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Economics
- GPA 3.8/4
- Bronze Medal in International Junior Science Olympics in Grade 10
(IJSO is an international competition with IB syllabus)

High school: Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics
College and University: Finanace, Math

physics, tutor, maths, CEGEP, chemistry, biology, economics, experience, notes, exercise

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