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Sandbeck Tutoring

Sandbeck tutoring offers cheap and reliable in home tutoring. Get a great tutor that will address the learning needs of your student.

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Tutoring Locations
Sandbeck Tutoring has tutors for a wide range of subject areas all across the lower mainland.

British Columbia: Burnaby, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 7789844385
Web site:
Contact Person: Riley Sandbeck 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
All sessions are 1 on 1 either in person or online via skype or google+.

Type Fee
Individual  $35
Online  $35

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Visit to see a full description of our services and our easy sign up options.

Sandbeck Tutoring is a company built on morals and a mission to provide smart and talented tutors who are united with a single goal of creating better learners.

The mission of Sandbeck Tutoring is to provide a mentor that improves a student's ability to learn. Short term gains will be secondary to helping create a person with self confidence, drive and the ability to be responsible for their own self sustained learning. A successful experience with Sandbeck Tutoring creates skills that will make learning easy and painless.

Visit our webpage for more information.

High school: Biology, Chemistry, Communication Skills, English, ESL, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies, The Arts

Math, Calculus, Geometry, English, ESL, Social, Geography, English, French, Spanish, Chemistry, Biology, Physics

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