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Sanjay G

Grade 10, 11, 12 & University plus College students. Years of tutoring experience at all levels in any area of Mathematics, including: - Secondary (High) School (grades 10 -12). Specialize in IB AP Physics,Chemistry, Math SL/HL, Algebra,Organic Chem, Advanced Functions, Data Management.

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Tutoring Locations
Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, Milton, Trafalgar, Sandlewood, Gore Road, Castlemore, Burlington, Guelph, Caledon, King City, Acton, Georgetown, Lane3, Lane 9,

Ontario: Brampton, Caledon, Hamilton, Mississauga, Oakville, Toronto, Vaughan

Contact Information
Phone: 416-830-0569

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
If you have more then 2 students home, you save more money ask for online help

Type Fee
Individual  $25 - $60
Group  $25 - $130

Lesson Languages
English, Hindi

Tutoring Services and Experience
I have a huge passion for teaching mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry and with over 20 years of tutoring experience under my belt I have been able to produce significant improvements in all of my students' grades. Many references from students who has achieved above 90% marks.

Subject Specialty:
- High school: Math, Physics, Chemistry , Biology – Functions, Advance Functions, Calculus, Data Management
- University: Physics, Calculus, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy, Statistics
- Other: MCAT prep ($45/hr), DAT prep ($45/hr), USMLE prep ($80/hr) at my place in Brampton.

Please contact me by sms on phone number 416-830-0569. Each session is of 2 hours at my place in Brampton or in presence of parents in your home, and I do not go to library. I am a Male tutor. No contract. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

High school: Biology, Career Education, Chemistry, Communication Skills, ESL, Math, Physics
College and University: Biology, Botany, Business / MBA, Chemistry, Communication, Economics, Genetics, Healthcare, Human Resources, Marketing, Math, Pharmocology, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Robotics, Social Science, Statistics, Zoology

Chemistry - Physics | Biology | Calculus | Advanced Functions | Mathematics, Trigonometry – Data Management | Functions | - English |Algebra - Math PATI Test - Botany - Organic Chemistry - Statistics

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