Graduate of UofT in Life Sciences, with 2 year of succesful experience with UofT undergraduate students as well as high school students in Biology, Calculus, Physics and Chemistry.
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Tutoring Locations
Contact Information
Phone: 647-290-0947
Phone: 416-466-0254
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Prices depend upon level of education (i.e. secondary, high school, college/university)
Type |
Fee |
- $30 |
- $24 |
Lesson Languages
English, Greek
Tutoring Services and Experience
After graduating from Greek high school amd taking tutorials with leading tutors, and after graduating from UofT, I have incorporated a very easy and successful scheme. This scheme has methodology for understanding and less memorizing, thus the student gets confident to solve various problems. I like to teach more practically, thus the student will start to learn easier with real life examples rather just repeating what the book says.
Middle school:
Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics |
High school:
Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics |
College and University:
Biology, Chemistry, Zoology |
Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Greek, low rates