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Aasiyah Wadee

I am a very dedicated and hardworking tutor that is committed to helping my students reach their goals by using a wide range of teaching methods that cater to their needs.

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Tutoring Locations
Ontario: Brampton

Contact Information
Phone: 905-799-1665
Phone: 647-444-3998

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $13 - $20

Lesson Languages
English, Hindi

Tutoring Services and Experience
I possess a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Literature from York University. While obtaining my degree I developed various skills and abilities that assisted me in the professional work environment. During my work experience I had the opportunity to work with individuals of various ethnic origins and this enabled to assist students of diverse backgrounds while creating many teaching strategies for the classroom. I am always punctual, diligent, caring and work wholeheartedly to motivate my students to transcend to become the future generation that can become whatever they desire to be. My students have no limit and can follow their dreams to create their potentials.

High school: Business Studies, Career Education, Classical Studies, English, ESL, Geography, History, Law, Politics, Social Studies, The Arts

English, Shakespeare, Social Science, History, Law, Careers, Business, Classical Studies, Geography, Politics

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