Ontario Certified Teacher with a strong background in mathematics and philosophy.
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $70 |
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Tutoring Services and Experience
B.Sc. Mathematics and Philosophy, University of Toronto
B.Ed. Intermediate/Senior Mathematics and Philosophy, University of Toronto
Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT)
I have a wide range of experience teaching in high schools, tutoring privately, and acting as a teaching assistant in university philosophy courses. In my teaching, I put special emphasis on building student self-confidence and independence, as well as developing critical thinking and study skills for both short- and long-term academic success.
I am available to tutor:
All math courses from Grades 7-12 (including Advanced Functions, Calculus and Vectors, Data Management, IB math)
Grade 11 and 12 Philosophy, as well as IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Middle school:
Math |
High school:
Math |
Math, Functions, Calculus, Vectors, Data Management, Philosophy