In-home French tutoring service in Mississauga for students grades 1-2 (French Immersion, Extended French, Core French)
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Rates vary based on the number of students per lesson and the frequency of lessons per week
Type |
Fee |
- $30 |
- $60 |
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
Francophiles Academic Tutoring was established in 2010 to address challenges faced by families with children learning French, where French is not a language spoken in the home.
As graduates of ‘French as a Second Language’ programs throughout their academic pursuits, founders Sarah Reyes and Tonya Hopkinson have created a unique service to provide students with effective homework support and skill development.
Lessons are conducted in students’ homes by qualified tutors, and include interactive activities and fun incentives to promote learning.
Our rates are competitive and we offer exciting promotions throughout the year. Please contact us today to find out more about our current promotions.
We look forward to working with you to nurture your child’s passion for learning the wonderfully valuable language of French.
Foreign Languages:
French |
French, tutor, tutoring, Core French, French Immersion, Extended French, qualified, interactive, fun, Mississauga