I am a certified teacher with the ability to tutor students from grade 7 to university in History and English.
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Contact Information
Phone: 514-566-7387
E-mail: gphilli9@uwo.ca
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $30 |
- $25 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I am currently completing my PhD in History. Previously, I taught English, History, and Contemporary World at a well-known private school in Montreal for four years. As a qualified high school teacher, combined with my teaching experience, I have a strong understanding of the Quebec secondary school curriculum, plus the skills and knowledge students need in order to succeed. I also have two years experience teaching university level seminars in History.
Middle school:
English, History, Social Studies |
High school:
English, History, Social Studies |
College and University:
History |
History, English, Contemporary World, Middle School, High School, CEGEP, University