I am an over 10 years experienced Math/Physics Tutor with Bachelor of Engineer Degree. I am providing tutoring for high school, College, first and second-year University students.
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Tutoring Locations
Markham and Scarborogh
Markham, Toronto |
Contact Information
Phone: 416-270-7591
E-mail: kalesvisu@gmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $30 |
$20 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I am teaching the following subjects:
Grade 8-10 - Math
Grade 11 - Functions, Physics, and Chemistry
Grade 12 - Physics, Advance Functions, Calculus & Vectors, Data Management\
College: All Math courses
University: First and second years Math (calculus, Algebra, District Math..) and physics.
I am teaching One-on-one or in small groups.
Location: My Location- Markham @14th Ave. or a place of your choice such as a library in Scarborough or Markham.
High school:
Chemistry, Math, Physics |
Math, physics, Math Tutor