I am an experienced teacher adept in using techniques that bring conceptual clarity to student’s minds and keen to help them relate it with applications in real life. I am familiar with the curriculum and teach kids from elementary to high school.
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Contact Information
E-mail: nadia-ali@rogers.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $20 |
- $15 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I have extensive experience teaching Maths and Arts on the school and college level. Considering my education and careers in Architecture and Urban Planning, my pedagogical approach is deeply rooted in real life examples that are easy to understand and hard to forget. I am very keen to go out of the way to help my students excel in their grades and understanding. I can provide a half an hour trial session.
High school:
Math, The Arts |
algebra, geometry, probability, calculus, arts, design, architecture, structures, collage, mosaic, art history