I provide students with unique, and customized sessions, in order to create a more fun and efficient learning process
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $25 |
- $20 |
- $20 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Hi there!
I am a Concordia student with 3 years of experience as an English tutor. I've recently completed a DEC in marketing, for which I had to complete TN math. I am friendly, organized and motivational. I believe that learning should be a fun, and positive process, which is why I set up my tutoring sessions as such.
First 30 minute sessions are free. During this session, I evaluate the student's understanding of the subject, and later create a month long plan taking their needs into account, including what to prepare before sessions, as well as what should be achieved in sessions.
For elementary school students (for which I also tutor math K-4), I usually provide parents with the plan in order for them to follow their child's progress.
I am willing to travel to the tutee's home, or meet in a public area. Fees per hour begin at 20$ (Material is provided). For those who would like to learn in a small group, prices are 15$/hr.
Elementary school:
Communication Skills, English, ESL, Math, Reading, The Arts, Writing |
Middle school:
Business Studies, Communication Skills, English, ESL, Literacy / Essay, The Arts |
High school:
Business Studies, Career Education, Communication Skills, English, ESL, Literacy / Essay |
College and University:
Communication, English, Literacy / Essay, Marketing |
Foreign Languages:
English |