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Roman Korol

I have over five years of experience tutoring chemistry, physics and math. I love teaching and I do it efficiently.

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Tutoring Locations
Etobicoke, Mississauga and downtown Toronto

Ontario: Toronto

Contact Information
Phone: 16476130188
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Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Contact me for details

Type Fee
Individual  $80
Group  $40 - $50
Online  $60 - $80

Lesson Languages
English, Russian, Ukrainian

Tutoring Services and Experience
I am a University of Toronto Graduate and a PhD student in Theoretical Chemistry. I am offering high-quality individual tutoring based on student's needs and circumstances. I focus on student's understanding and interest in the subject and incorporate little programming challenges to let them apply their knowledge immediately.

High school: Chemistry, Math, Physics
College and University: Chemistry, Math, Physics

chemistry, math, CHM110, CHM135, CHM136, CHM120, MAT135, MAT136, PHY156, PHY157, PHY131, PHY132, SCH3U, SCH4U, MCR3U, MCV4U, MPM1D, MFM1P, MPM2D, MPM2P, Chemistry GRE

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