I have 5 years of experience tutoring a variety of people with different goals ranging from "just trying to pass" to "I want 100%". I obtained exceptional grades in high school Math and Physics, finishing with 100% and 98%, respectively.
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Tutoring Locations
Contact Information
Phone: 4038752053
E-mail: jennifer.s.li@outlook.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $45 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
My name is Jennifer and I am currently in my fourth year of Chemical Engineering at U of C.
Because I haven't been out of high school for too long, I have a good grasp of the current Alberta curriculum as well as their testing standards. Basic concepts are very important to me so I always teach students the reasons and explanations for how things work.
If you are interested, feel free to send me an email.
High school:
Math, Physics |
Math, Calculus, Physics, High School, 30-1, 20-1, 30-2, 20-2