Experienced & Affordable math & science TUTOR in Winston Churchill & Britannia area in Mississauga.Try FREE DEMO CLASS at my home.
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Tutoring Locations
Winston Churchill & Thomas Mississauga
Contact Information
Phone: 416 8584013
E-mail: kapil.sanjeev4@gmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
up to grade 10 --$15. GRADE 11 & 12 --$20
Type |
Fee |
- $20 |
Lesson Languages
English, Hindi
Tutoring Services and Experience
All my students have scored above 85% in the first semester.References available.
One on One coaching with difference.
I have passed grade 12 with overall 95.4%
And 99% in chemistry. I will be attending university of Waterloo in September. Come & learn from the best.I have scored above 2000 in my SAT
At my home or nearest library
Up to grade 10 $15/HR.Grade 11&12 $20
At your place
Up to grade 10 $25 for 90 minutes session
Grade 11&12 $30 for 90 minutes session.
High school:
Chemistry, Math, Physics |
physics, chemistry, maths,functions,calculus, grade 12,grade 11,grade 10,grade 9,grade 8,experienced,tutor, mississauga, science, physics, chemistry