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Rémi Côme

Maths/Physics tutor from France

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia: Vancouver

Contact Information
Phone: 6045186257

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  $30
Group  $40

Lesson Languages
English, French

Tutoring Services and Experience
I'm a french graduate student here for a few months in Vancouver. I recently got my Master's degree in Mathematics in the "École Normale Supérieure", which is one of France's best schools in the field. I have also studied Physics until my bachelor's degree, and I'm used to working in English.

I have been tutoring numerous highschool students in Maths and Physics during the past three years, and believe to be a very patient teacher.

I'm available at your location or a local library, everywhere accessible with public transportation (zones 1-2).

High school: French, Math, Physics

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