I offer French and English tutoring for students in grades 1-4. I can help the student to improve in any aspect and area in either language such as reading, writing, grammar, oral communication, etc... I also don't mind helping the student with their French or English homework/project.
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Tutoring Locations
ONLY meeting up with the student at Richmond Hill Central Library
Contact Information
E-mail: adenjenami@yahoo.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
I am a student that has been attending a French immersion school since first grade until present, whilst studying English and French completely. I speak clear fluent French and English and am able to read and write perfectly. I've been tutoring for several years and have a lot of experience with students from all different levels and ages. I not only offer French tutoring, but offer English tutoring as well. I am willing to tutor students from grades 1-4 and I'm asking for the amount of $15/hr. I can ONLY meet up with the student at the Richmond Hill Central Library.
If you are interested, please e-mail me at adenjenami@yahoo.com.
Elementary school:
English, French |
French, English, Francais, Anglais, Tutoring, Tutor, Grade1, Grade2, Grade3, Grade4