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SHS Tutoring

Hello! We are Students Helping Students Tutoring, a group of high school students interested in helping our fellow students achieve academic success. We believe there is no better tutor than other students who have learned the same information in the recent past.

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Tutoring Locations
Alberta: Calgary

Contact Information
Phone: 4039032826
Phone: 4039032826
Contact Person: Andrew Choi 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Prices vary depending on difficulty of subject and is definitely negotiable

Type Fee
Individual  $15 - $25
Group  $12 - $20
Online  $12 - $20
E-mail  $12 - $20

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
The goal of SHS Tutoring is to guide you towards academic success. As fellow students, we hope to help you achieve that success by any means possible. Our service can be generalized into assisting towards academic excellence but can be broken down into aspects such as homework help, course teaching, and building academic strengths.

Our company is composed of members that are the epitome of academic excellence through hard work. The strengths of our members lie in the subjects of math and sciences, with our members boasting 95+ averages on those courses and diploma examinations. Specific grades can be inquired through contacting us.

We believe that we can be more effective and efficient tutors than others due to our relatability. The course material is still fresh in ours minds and we know how students think because we are students. We understand the difficult nature and stress of some courses but have made it through, and we want to share our keys to success.

Elementary school: ESL, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies
Middle school: Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics
High school: Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics

calgary, highschool, chemistry, physics, biology, math, calculus

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