Superior Education offers, qualifed and experienced tutors, for in-home tutoring. Our tutors have several years of experience, and have been selected because of their knowledge in their respective fields.
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Tutoring Locations
Brampton, Burlington, Caledon, Guelph, Hamilton, Markham, Mississauga, Oakville, Richmond Hill, Toronto, Vaughan |
Contact Information
Phone: 416-616-2125
Web site:
Contact Person: Rami Sooch
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Please visit our website for an accurate price assessment, prices are based on packages.
Type |
Fee |
- $42 |
- $35 |
Lesson Languages
English, French, Hindi
Elementary school:
Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Writing |
High school:
Biology, Business Studies, Career Education, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, English, ESL, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, History, Law, Literacy / Essay, Math, Native Studies, Physics, Politics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts |
College and University:
Biology, Botany, Business / MBA, Chemistry, Communication, Economics, English, Foreign Languages, French, Healthcare, History, Law, Literacy / Essay, Math, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Social Science, Sociology, Statistics |
Foreign Languages:
English, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin / Cantonese, Portuguese, Spanish |
Calculus, algebra, chemistry, biology, physics