We help high school and junior university students with math, science and physics. For homework help and test prep, see a tutor who is always friendly, patient and supportive. Get consistency, clarity and personal attention. "Yes! I get it!"
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Tutoring Locations
Downtown / East End Toronto
Contact Information
Phone: 4165744972
Phone: 4165744972
E-mail: tonithetutor@gmail.com
Web site:
Contact Person: Toni Hoffman
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
See www.yesmathscience.com for detailed fee breakdown
Type |
Fee |
- $50 |
- $70 |
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
Yes! Math & Science specializes in clear explanations and problem solving for individuals or small groups interested in quality private education and personal attention.
We have over fifteen years' experience with high school and junior university math, science and physics. We help students stay on top of their homework, develop study skills and review for tests and exams. We provide consistency, clarity and an approach personally tailored to each student. Tutors try to talk less and listen more, watching students and providing help at critical moments.
"Yes! I get it!"
Students usually come for an hour or more per week. The rate for an individual private lesson with an experienced tutor is $40/hr.
Groups are organized by the students for an extra $10 per person per hour. For best results, groups should be studying the same, or similar material. Siblings should be close in age.
High school:
Chemistry, Math, Physics |
College and University:
Math, Physics |
math, physics, science, chemistry, downtown, calculus, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, riverdale