I am passionate about helping others "get it". I have a track record of success in tutoring and look forward to helping you reach your educational goals!
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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia:
North Vancouver, Vancouver |
Contact Information
Phone: 604-849-1377
E-mail: amandasuzanne@gmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Lesson prices depend on travel and prep.
Type |
Fee |
- $50 |
- $35 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Whether our time together will be spent helping you organize your materials and time, working on assignments, prepping for tests, or reviewing material, you will be better prepared to tackle the task at hand after our sessions.
With a background in psychology and neuroscience I can help you unlock the power of your brain and your potential!
Elementary school:
Communication Skills, English, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Writing |
Middle school:
Biology, Communication Skills, English, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Social Studies, The Arts |
High school:
Biology, Communication Skills, English, Geography, History, Law, Literacy / Essay, Social Studies, The Arts |
English, Editing, Essay Writing, Research, Planning, Organization, Test Prep, Socials, History, Law, Biology