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I provide simple and easy to understand examples in order to enhance the topics they learn in school as well as giving one-on-one help for difficult problems while encouraging better study habits. Also help prep for exams and tests as well as the upcoming school semester.

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Tutoring Locations
Able to meet at my house or any local libraries

Ontario: Mississauga

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Group prices are per person

Type Fee
Individual  $20
Group  $20
Online  $15

Lesson Languages
English, Hindi

Tutoring Services and Experience
Second Year Biology (Co-op) at University of Waterloo and an Alumni of Port Credit's Science-Technology Program. Able to Tutor in Chemistry and Biology for High school students and Math up until grade 11. This will be a great asset for upcoming exams and to prepare for the next school semester. Location will be at my house or any local library ($20/hr).

Elementary school: Math, Science
Middle school: Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics
High school: Biology, Chemistry, Math

Biology,Chemistry, Biochemistry, Co-op, Waterloo, Missisauga, Math, study techniques, study, port credit,

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