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Need emergency exam help? Want to get ahead for next year? Summer school? Whatever your problem, I can help! I offer tutoring in French, English, and Biology as well any HSP (Psychology) courses! I operate privately in the Brampton and Mississauga area!

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Tutoring Locations
I am available to meet with you in Brampton or Mississauga, in places like libraries or whatever suits your convenience!

Ontario: Brampton, Mississauga

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
The group prices would be the price to cover a group of 4 students, anything more could be discussed!

Type Fee
Individual  $20
Group  $30 - $35
E-mail  $15

Lesson Languages
English, Hindi

Tutoring Services and Experience
I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science with a double major in Biology and Psychology at the University of Toronto! I can meet with you in public places such as a library or anywhere that makes you comfortable! I offer University prep for science courses also!

High school: Biology, English, French

biology, english, high school, university prep, french

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