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Queen Elizabeth Tutoring Academy

QEA has a strong tradition of providing quality education and tutoring. We have worked with 1000+ students, to build on their successes step by step. Our team of 24+ tutors, are each specialized in a subject area. Our focus is to help our students to build a solid academic foundation.

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Tutoring Locations
Lorne Park Area

Ontario: Mississauga

Contact Information
Phone: 9052765556
Web site:
Contact Person: Victor  Lee 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type Fee
Individual  not specified

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience

Middle school: Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, Earth and Space, English, ESL, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts
High school: Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, English, ESL, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Politics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts

Math, Calculus, Advanced Functions, Trigonometry, Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Essay, Tutoring , Credit courses , University application , Writing, Reading, Comprehension, ESL

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