At Right Angle we provide professional tutoring services for student's academic success, mentorship and help in planning for future studies. Expertise in all high school subjects from grade 9 to grade 12 - Math -Advance functions, Calculus, Data management,Physics, Chemistry and English.
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Tutoring Locations
well connected to Mississauga Transit
Contact Information
Phone: 905-487-6353
Fax: 905-507-8280
Web site:
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Type |
Fee |
- $35 |
- $25 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Right Angle Academy is a Learning and Tutoring centre in Mississauga for Pre-K, Elementary, Middle and High School Students. Our primary goal is to keep students ahead and prepare them to excel in English, Maths, Science, French, University Courses, and Special Program for standardized EQAO Test, Literacy test OSSLT and CCAT, IB, IBT, SCI-Tech,STEM Enrichment Program at junior level,to score distinctions or high distinctions in their exams. Today, thousands of parents who aspire to help their children, develop the love for learning and reach their highest potential,send their children to our center.We strives to bring out the best in your child academically.Our teaching staff is well qualified and certified with subject specialization.Individualized tutoring plan , or small student-teacher ratios. Affordable pricing with no contracts, can be paid by credit card, debit, cheque or cash and give tax benefit .Open 6 days of the week, from Monday to Saturday.
Elementary school:
Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, The Arts, Writing |
Middle school:
Biology, Business Studies, Career Education, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, Earth and Space, English, ESL, French, Geography, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies, Technology, The Arts |
High school:
Business Studies, Career Education, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, English, ESL, Math, Physics, Technology |