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Liz Dodd

Math teacher, with 30 years of experience, available days and evenings in my home or yours.

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
My home or yours. Ottawa South

Ontario: Ottawa

Contact Information
Phone: 613-852-0147

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Lower prices are the for the first hour of tutoring and approximately $10 more for an additional hour.

Type Fee
Individual  $30 - $40
Group  $40 - $50

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Math teacher with 30 years of teaching experience in the OCDSB.

I have learned, with my experience, how to see where students are having particular issues comprehending a topic, and how to design an approach to help them succeed.

I am patient and supportive and have a sense of humour. I do love math, which is why I attended Queen’s to major in the subject. I also attended McArthur College (Kingston) for my teacher’s certification.

High school: Math

Math teacher with 30 years of experience. Patient and energetic

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