Experienced tutors available for support!
Also we charge for transportation cost depending on the location
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Tutoring Locations
We Come to you or location near to you!
British Columbia:
Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, Langley, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Surrey, White Rock |
Contact Information
Phone: 6047810762
E-mail: mesatutor91@gmail.com
Contact Person: Mohamed Assad
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Rate per hour, Groups of 4 $80 Additional individiual $10
Type |
Fee |
- $45 |
- $30 |
Lesson Languages
English, Arabic
Tutoring Services and Experience
Professional High school teacher and university graduate colleagues on this team to support students in succeeding in their academics!
Elementary school:
English, French, Math, Science |
Middle school:
Biology, Chemistry, English, ESL, Math |
High school:
Chemistry, English, ESL, Math |
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