Private tutor since 1986. Secondary school and university math, science, statistics, writing, philosophy.
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Tutoring Locations
Gerrard / Broadview area or U of T area downtown, evenings and weekends
Contact Information
Phone: 647 377 8727
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
I will consider a lower rate for regular lessons with two hours or more a week
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
Available for help with:
chemistry: all first and second year; physical chemistry at all levels
physics: all first and second year except engineering mechanics
mathematics: all first and second year
statistics: introductory courses only, any department
logic: all logic
philosophy: all first and second year
B.Sc. (hons.) chemistry and mathematics
M.Sc. physical chemistry
M.A. philosophy of science
Classroom teaching experience
chemistry: 1 year
philosophy: 4 years
TA experience
chemistry: 8 years
mathematics: 4 years
physics: 3 years
philosophy: 8 years
private tutoring experience
mathematics: since 1986
chemistry: since 1990
physics: since 1990
logic: since 1991
statistics: since 1993
philosophy: since 1996
writing: since 1996
Middle school:
Chemistry, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics |
College and University:
Chemistry, Literacy / Essay, Logic, Math, Philosophy, Physics, Statistics |
calculus, math, algebra, functions, statisitics, organic, physical, philosophy, logic, writing, finite, geometry, electricity, thermodynamics, quantum