Offering customized, individual or group tutoring for students looking to master the GMAT!
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Tutoring Locations
Vancouver and Surrounding Area
British Columbia:
Abbotsford, Burnaby, Chilliwack, Coquitlam, Delta, Langley, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, White Rock |
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Please note, all lessons, homework and assignments are individually created to meet your specific needs and ensure your maximum return.
Type |
Fee |
- $75 |
- $75 |
Lesson Languages
English, Hindi
Tutoring Services and Experience
Are you looking for help in writing the GMAT? Get assistance today!!
GMAT Tutoring will help you master the tricks and techniques proven to help you improve your score! Get into the school you want by ensuring you get the best possible GMAT score today.
Tutoring available for beginners through to advance students!
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You will learn to improve your mark in Math, Verbal and Analytical Writing Assessment.
In Math, learn Geometry, Algebra, Statistics, Probability, Permutations and Combinations, Rates, Ratios, Factorials, Exponents, and Averages!! Learn techniques to make each topic easier. Learn to convert difficult Algebra questions into simple Arithmetic problems!!
Master the best way to approach Data Sufficiency Questions, with a logical step-by-step process!
In Verbal, learn the major grammar rules tested on the GMAT, learn how to analyze arguments for critical reasoning and how best to improve your pacing in Reading Comprehension!
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Extremely competitive rates, Individual and Group rates! Study from old GMAT questions!
Get access to up to 6 practice tests! The best way to improve your score and your pacing!
Lessons range from 2 - 3 hours per session, plus 6 - 10 hours of homework per week.
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GMAT, Math, English, AWA, Essays, Data Sufficiency, Geometry, MBA, Algebra