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La Boîte du Savoir/The Learning Box

We provide your child with the education she or he deserves. An education that teaches subjects by following their correct order and sequence. We only provide individual tutoring in order to ensure your child receives the best service. In fact, we guarantee our tutoring services!

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Tutoring Locations
Lasalle, Lachine, Ville Emard, Verdun, Westmount, NDG, Little Burgundy, Nun's Island, Chateauguay, St-Constant, Ville St-Pierre

Quebec: Montreal

Contact Information
Phone: 514.363.2227
Fax: 514.368.2393
Web site:
Contact Person: Learning Manager 

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Rates quoted are for monthly memberships

Type Fee
Individual  $145 - $195

Lesson Languages
English, French

Tutoring Services and Experience
How do we provide the education your child deserves and what is our guarantee?
We begin by testing your child in the subject you request. We then provide you with a detailed report on your child's strengths and weaknesses according to your child's grade/cycle level.
Once or twice a week tutoring is all that is necessary to ensure your child's success. We guarantee it! After 45 hours of tutoring, we administer a post-test in order to measure the gains made. If you child hasn't jumped at least one grade level in the chosen subject, we'll give your child 6 months of free tutoring!

Elementary school: Communication Skills, English, ESL, French, Math, Reading, Writing
High school: English, ESL, French, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics
Test Preparation: SSAT

Montreal, LaSalle, tutoring, montreal tutors, lasalle tutors, homework help, The Learning Box, math, french, français, high school, elementary, reading, English, SSAT, prep exam

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