Learn Organic Chemistry at an affordable price. We would prepare you for exams such as MCAT, Organic Chemistry I&II, Assignments etc.
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Tutoring Locations
Organic Chmeistry Tutor at York University
Richmond Hill, Toronto |
Contact Information
E-mail: uchem2006@hotmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Affordable prices with the best quality tutoring (Ask us for references)
Type |
Fee |
- $40 |
Lesson Languages
English, French
Tutoring Services and Experience
If you are a high school student or a 1st/2nd year University student having difficulty with Organic Chemistry (eg CHEM 2020, MCAT-organic chemistry I&II, etc..), then do all to contact me through uchem2006@hotmail.com or 647 834 1977. We are a group of PhD students with atleast 4 years of experience as chemistry teachers/tutors. We will help improve your understanding of this subject and give you the necessary background knowledge you need. Organic chemistry is not as difficult as you think. Call or e-mail now.
Our aim is your success. Students who received tutoring from us have made major improvements of their grades. "Ask us for the references" If you prefer only a female tutor, call the number 647 505 4432. Thank you
College and University:
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry, MCAT, CHEM 2020, York University, Norrth York