Have been successfully tutoring students in math for 20 years.I try to concentrate on the individual needs of your son or daughter.I am a retired teacher formerly with a BC teacher certificate and Ontario teacher certificate.
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Tutoring Locations
British Columbia:
Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver |
Contact Information
Phone: 604-763-5325
Phone: 604-436-4174
E-mail: jagatpati@hotmail.com
Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Depends on grade
Type |
Fee |
- $40 |
Lesson Languages
Tutoring Services and Experience
I went to the University of Toronto and received a BSc and BEd degree.I taught for some time for the Toronto Board of Education and Scarborough Board of Education.I am now a retired teacher but keep myself active doing private tutoring in math in peoples home.I have had numerous students and parents who have really appreciated my work.Since I tutor high school math on all levels I try to give the student a bigger picture of things than their classroom teacher does.
I can also teach beginners music for keyboard and guitar.I have been playing music since I was a teenager and presently make computer recordings.
High school:
Math |
Arts and Music:
Guitar, Music theory |