- Canadian Free Tutor Listings

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Hourly Rates Per Student:
Elementary school - $35
High School - $35
College - $40
University - $40
*$5/student discount for group sessions
-All subjects in elementary/High School
-Business in College/University
-Science in College/University

Tutor Rating:  not rated
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Tutoring Locations
York Region and Toronto

Ontario: Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Toronto

Contact Information

Lesson Types and Tutoring Fees
Rates are negotiable--group sessions get discounts

Type Fee
Individual  $35 - $40
Group  $30 - $35

Lesson Languages

Tutoring Services and Experience
Interested clients are requested to email p.tutoringservices [at] gmail [dot] com with the following information:

Contact Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Number of Students:
Student Type: (i.e. based on rates below)
Date and Time of First Session:
Duration Per Session:
Recurrence: (i.e. every Mon and Wed)
Brief Description of Tutoring Needs:

Once your application has been received, we will review the information and contact you by phone.

Coverage Area: York Region, Toronto

Hourly Rates:

Elementary school - 35/student
High School - 35/student
College - 40/student
University - 40/student

*$5/student discount if clients register for 2 or more students per session

Areas of Specialization:
-All subjects in elementary and high school
-Business courses in College and University
-Science courses in College and University

Qualifications of Tutors:

Tutor 1:
-Completion of high school with over 80% average
-Graduated Ryerson University with a 3.0 CGPA in Business Management (Human Resources)
-Certified Human Resources Professional designation in progress
-Experience tutoring students in special education courses
-Experience tutoring all elementary school subjects
-High school subjects tutored: algebra, trigonometry, calculus, geometry, statistics, English, history, career studies, biology
-College courses tutored: accounting, finance, human resources, organizational behaviour, marketing, business law, sociology, math, English, information technology
-University courses tutored: human resources, organizational behaviour, employment law, marketing, business law, industrial relations, training and development, recruitment and selection, compensation, business strategy, creating business plans, business communications, HR planning
-Experience in job roles where orientation, training and development were involved

Tutor 2:
-Completion of high school with over 90% average
-Graduated University of Toronto with a 3.3 CGPA in a Biology Specialist Program
-Experience tutoring students in special education courses
-Experience tutoring all elementary school subjects
-High school subjects tutored: algebra, trigonometry, calculus, geometry, statistics, English, history, career studies, physics, chemistry, biology
-University courses tutored: cell biology, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, physics, calculus, history and philosophy of science, sociology, botany, animal physiology, plant physiology, geography, climatology, nutrition, laboratory medicine and pathology, renaissance history, genetics, statistics, biostatistics
-In pursuit of PhD in Cell & Molecular Biology with a specialty in Plant Immunity at the University of Toronto
-Currently holding Teaching Assistant positions for a first year university level cell biology course (BIO130) and a third year university level plant pathology course (CSB353) at the University of Toronto
-Previous Teaching Assistant positions were held in second year university level cell biology courses (BIO250, BIO240, BIO241) with over 3 years of teaching experience in conducting 3-hr laboratory-style and tutorial-style sessions with approximately 25 students each week for full semesters

High school: Biology, Business Studies, Career Education, Chemistry, Communication Skills, Computers and IT, English, History, Literacy / Essay, Math, Physics, Social Studies
College and University: Accounting and Taxes, Biology, Business / MBA, Chemistry, Computer Science and IT, English, Finanace, Human Resources, Literacy / Essay, Marketing, Math, Physics, Sociology, Statistics

math, science, tutor, business, high school, university, college, grade, course

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